EIASM, the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management is  an international network for management research and teaching that includes more than 40.000 management scientists from all over the world.

Since its foundation in 1971, the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) has dedicated itself to raising the profile of European Management Research with respect to other established scientific disciplines as well as the business world.

The overall mission of EIASM is to be a key actor in enhancing the role of advanced studies in management in Europe. 
This means that EIASM has the purpose:

  • to strengthen European management research in general
  • to encourage and facilitate the initiation and the co-ordination of joint scientific research in management led by outstanding European researchers
  • to stimulate the interaction between management scholars in Europe
  • to enhance the development and the quality of doctoral student education in the field of management in Europe

In order to fulfil its mission EIASM:

  • develops and sustains collaborative networks of European management scholars
  • organises conferences, seminars and workshops on both state-of-the-art and path-breaking scientific research
  • offers doctoral seminars and other activities to strengthen the education of a new generation of European management scholars

EIASM - the European “Network of Networks for Researchers and Doctoral Students in Management”

EIASM Web site : www.eiasm.net